1. Read the article: "Digital Innovation and the Future of Storytelling"
2. On your blog, reflect on the article using the following directions:
Title Your Blog Post
A title that reflects the thrust of your review. For example, the article title is "The Political Ecology of Deforestation in Chile." Your title might be "They're Only Trees: Cutting Down Old Growth Forests in Southern Chile."
In a written reflection answer the following questions:
- Write a summary of the article, identifying the three key points.
- 1-2 sentence summary.
- Discuss the author’s argument.
- What is the author's argument and what information/evidence and sources does he/she use to support that argument?
- What are the article’s/author’s strengths and weaknesses?
- The strength of the article may be that it presents a clear summation of a particular issue. Its weakness may be that it does not offer any new information or solutions.
- What are the author's general conclusions?
- Your critique (A critique is not whether you liked the article or not. Rather, you should assess whether the the main point(s) is really significant)
- Does the author's argument support the main point(s)?
- Is the evidence convincing? Are there wider ramifications to the conclusions?
- What are the applications/implications to you as a graphic designer/web designer/animator/videographer?
- What don't you understand, and is this because you lack certain assumed knowledge or vocabulary or because the writer is unclear?
- General thoughts & conclusions.
- Include a citation/reference to the work.
Each question should be written in complete sentences and provide examples of support.
Your post should not read like a classroom assignment. Speak to your audience as if you did this as a budding “Creative” and you are sharing your experience. Your writing should be conversational and yet still professional.
You will be graded on the following criteria: Content and Voice.
You will be graded on the following criteria: Content and Voice.